Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral and after years of research, it has shown that exposure to asbestos can cause cancer and other serious diseases. Asbestos played a huge role in American commercial product manufacturing in the 20th century. Americans who worked in construction and other blue-collar industries were most at risk of being exposed. Asbestos has been banned in more than 60 countries, but not in the U.S. About 1.3 million U.S. workers in construction are at risk of being exposed today. If your home or building was built before the 80s then it more than likely has been built with asbestos and will need to be removed. What to expect during the asbestos abatement process? First, it is crucial to hire experienced professionals. Once hired they will turn off all HVAC units and seal vents to prevent any fibers from circulating. They will also seal off the workplace with plastic sheeting. After all the plastic is up the abatement technician will use wet cleanup tools and HEPA filter vacuums to clean the workspace. Once they are finished with that, they will place all materials removed from the worksite in clearly marked and leakproof bags. After asbestos removal, abatement professionals take the materials to a landfill qualified to receive the waste. It is the law to make sure that all asbestos is removed before any other work is performed in the building.